Getting to know Lalela Mswane: Time is the most precious gift

Miss SA finalist has taken her power back by supporting others

Miss SA pageant finalist Lalela Mswane.
Miss SA pageant finalist Lalela Mswane.
Image: Supplied

Miss SA hopeful Lalela Mswane not only has her eye set on the crown but plans to also help young people combat low self-esteem and increase their confidence.

The 24-year-old LLB graduate, is one of the top 10 finalists vying for the coveted win on October 16.

Having been subjected to bullying while growing up, Mswane is now taking her power back.

We caught up with Mswane to find out what makes her tick.

If you weren’t afraid, what would you do?

Prior to entering Miss SA, I would have said, I'm afraid to enter this pageant. Because I was so afraid to do so for the longest time but this year, I took a leap of faith and I’m extremely grateful.

What always makes you laugh?

I actually find humour in the most simple of things. I have this thing where I find things funnier long after they have occurred. If you find me laughing, especially alone, chances are, I have recalled something funny, which occurred some time back. I’ve just always been like that.

Is there a secret talent you have that people don’t know about?

I think I’m a good singer. My singing once made a mate of mine cry, good tears I assume –  otherwise that would be rather awkward – so I felt validated in my singing ability.

What’s the worst lie you ever told?

In grade 8, I had forgotten to do my homework for two consecutive days and I told my teacher that they had broken into the house and I was unable to complete my work. The truth was that I had simply forgotten my homework in my school locker.

Do you have a favourite thing to do before going to bed?

I normally script down my gratitude points for the day, that being all the amazing things that occurred that day for which I am truly grateful.

If you could pause any moment in your life, which moment would it be?

It would definitely be times with my late father. Every moment with him was magical and seemed so brief, especially now that he’s gone.

What makes you grumpy?

I get extremely grumpy when I’m hungry, I actually get “hangry”. I also get grumpy when tired or sleep-deprived but I’m mastering the art of not letting the latter get to me.

What personal feature are you most insecure about?

As cliché as this may sound, absolutely nothing. I have worked so hard for so many years to embrace all my features and love myself, completely. I have nothing to be insecure about although, recently, a mate of mine told me I have a big forehead and that’s been on my mind quite a bit of late. I hope to snap out of it soon.

What’s the one song you are embarrassed about that is in your playlist?

WAP by Cardi B featuring Megan Thee Stallion. Everyone gets so shocked when they hear it playing from my playlist as they all deem it quite unbecoming of me and to that, I say, “the track is a banger”.

What is the most important lesson life has taught you?

One of the most important lessons life has taught me is, everything will be okay in the end, if it’s not okay, it’s not the end.

If you had one day left to live, how would you spend it?

I would wake up extremely early, have my daily devotional and prayer time. Go to the studio for a morning dance session. Go out for the biggest English breakfast ever and spend the rest of my day with my loved ones, especially my mom.

What would you never be caught wearing in public?

Pyjamas and slippers, that’s just a no-no!

What is the best gift you’ve ever received and from whom?

Shortly after my dad passed on, my mom gave me one of his timepieces and that’s honestly the best gift I have ever received because I feel that he’s always with me when I wear it.

What’s the best gift you’ve ever given and to whom?

The gift of time. I pride myself in always being available to people whenever they require assistance. An example being, learners from the high school I went to reach out every now and then for academic assistance and I am more than happy to assist.

Where is the best place to collect your thoughts?

The dance studio, during a dance session and of late, I enjoy collecting my thoughts during long, outdoor cycling sessions, it’s truly so tranquil.

What does the world need more of?

Kindness. It’s so simple and it doesn’t cost a thing yet it’s one thing people are so frugal in sharing. In a world that’s already so harsh and difficult, we are in dire need of spreading kindness, leading with love and extending grace to others, every opportunity we get.

What do you look forward to doing every day?

Waking up and embarking on the possibilities each day brings. The mere act of waking is so overlooked as a gift but I’ve always considered it one of the greatest gifts that can get given to us. It’s truly the gift that keeps on giving.

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