Thank you for the love, say Bafana Bafana to SA fans before grudge match against Nigeria

Message to its 62 million Mzansi fans

Koena Mashale Journalist
Bafana Bafana centre-back Mothobi Mvala leads the players in celebration after their 2-0 win against Morocco in San Pedro, Ivory Coast, on Tuesday night. Picture: BACKPAGEPIX
Bafana Bafana centre-back Mothobi Mvala leads the players in celebration after their 2-0 win against Morocco in San Pedro, Ivory Coast, on Tuesday night. Picture: BACKPAGEPIX

Bafana Bafana have thanked the 62 million Mzansi fans for their love and support ahead of the Africa Cup of Nations semifinal game against Nigeria on Wednesday evening.

“This road travelled, with this family unit, for this quest has not only been for us. It’s for our country, our families and the 62 million who like we, BELIEVE! Thank you, South Africa, for the love,” said the team.

Earlier on Wednesday, controversial Chippa United boss Siviwe Mpengesi made it clear that he will be supporting Nigeria and not Bafana Bafana because his goalkeeper, Stanley Nwabili, is part of the Super Eagles team.

Bafana Bafana face the Super Eagles in Bouaké, Ivory Coast, and the kick-off is 7pm SA time.

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