Lots of questions about clinic

Thapelo Makitla bled to death at Mpumalanga Clinic in Dennilton, Limpopo, after nurses reportedly told his family they did not have equipment to stop the bleeding.
Thapelo Makitla bled to death at Mpumalanga Clinic in Dennilton, Limpopo, after nurses reportedly told his family they did not have equipment to stop the bleeding.
Image: Supplied

Man bleeds to death stories raises lots of questions. How long was the clinic out of stock for bandages and other materials they can use to stabilise patients? How many patients are turned away without help daily? - Anon

Banks are rich from the poor

Selfish banks are also taking advantage of poor blacks. They are rich with our money but are now also contributing to high unemployment for chasing high profits at the expense of the poor. - Lesetja

Stop migration to jobless cities

To minimise criminal activities and social ills, the government should announce that people in the countryside and elsewhere in Africa should stop flocking to the cities because there are no jobs and accommodation. - Chopo

Black bourgeoisie pilfer, loot

In the bourgeoisification of the Africans in SA, the systemic avarice dries up state coffers. The rising unproductive black bourgeois class, with no means of production of their own, started by pilfering to outright looting. - Mohato

EFF's lack of plan for problems

The EFF is not interested in suggesting solutions to social ills, educational challenges, security and health problems, industrialisation of the country and the unprecedented population explosion. - Johane

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