Young geologist finding her place in ever-evolving mining industry

Reabetswe Mabaso is a geology manager at Anglo American SA's coal mine. /Supplied
Reabetswe Mabaso is a geology manager at Anglo American SA's coal mine. /Supplied

Reabetswe Mabaso is part of the new generation of women that is changing the face of the mining industry.

Mabaso, 29, is a geology manager for Anglo American SA coal.

Born in Soweto, Mabaso obtained an honours in geology from Wits University.

"Mining is such a dynamic industry to work in, yes, it is a competitive environment and it keeps you on your toes, but it is always changing and evolving. I like the fact that you don't get stuck in an office, but you get lots of opportunities to grow and expand your career," Mabaso said.

She said she spent much of her time making sure that the mine applies effective grade and quality control.

"I also have to recommend appropriate actions like stockpile management and offer daily support to production personnel for optimal extraction of the reserve.

"I also have to assess and analyse geological data to shape the mine's production plans and then track performance to ensure that business targets are met and profits maximised," she said.

Mabaso said even though her job was demanding, what makes it fun is that everyone in her team shares the same vision and they are dedicated to the mission.

Mabaso said one of the challenges remains being taken seriously as a young dynamic African female in the workplace.

"I am lucky to have a great manager who provides leadership and guidance and is also helping me become an inclusive leader in my own right. Effective communication and collaboration is key to embrace differences, create a better culture fit and grow diversity," she said.

Mabaso said to be a successful career woman, one needs to remain true to themselves and be able to identify and live out their true purpose.

"You need to work within the industry rather than work against it and strive to incorporate your personal and professional passions into the way you conduct your work. Women who are successful in mining get on and do their jobs. They are recognised for their technical ability and leadership skills and for the values they deliver to the business," she said.

Mabaso's advice for young women who want to start a career in mining is that they should have a positive attitude, be resilient and show determination in the face of challenges.

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