READER LETTER | No gaslighting will save ANC

ANC supporters wait for President Cyril Ramaphosa to arrive during an election rally.
ANC supporters wait for President Cyril Ramaphosa to arrive during an election rally.
Image: Per-Anders Pettersson/Getty Images

I can’t help but respond to President Cyril Ramaphosa’s ludicrous statements per the article published in your paper of May 22 2024, entitled: “Opposition parties stealing our ideas, says Ramaphosa.”

To start with, his laughable claim that it “is the ANC that has a proven record of work done” would only be true if the business of the government is plundering the public purse and trampling on state institutions. His promise to “focus more on jobs” is as empty as the NHI budget, and his harking back to the victories of 1994 is dirt cheap when his party has done less than nothing for us in the 30 years since.

The claim that “no other state builds houses like we do”, I’ll give him. I mean, no other state would disrespect its citizens with the horrific quality of housing and basic services that this ANC government provides to its most vulnerable people.

We are fed up with the ANC, and no amount of gaslighting from Ramaphosa will save his failed party on May 29. 

South Africans can see for themselves that the only party that stands any sort of chance to kick Ramaphosa out of office is the DA. You want to talk about an excellent track record in government, Mr President? The Mother City is a two-hour flight away – you can go and see for yourself what that looks like.

Erich Small, Johannesburg

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