READER LETTER | It doesn't make sense that people still trust Zuma

Former South African President Jacob Zuma
Former South African President Jacob Zuma
Image: Siphiwe Sibeko

I wonder what's happening with us South Africans that we allow ourselves to be easily manipulated. I cannot fathom how anyone would leave ANC and join MK Party, all because they see a good Samaritan in Jacob Zuma.

Can we really believe Zuma talking about  a plan to remove criminals from government? Who put them there in the first place apart from Zuma himself?

I understand some in the crowd who packed the Orlando Stadium at the weekend were there for song and dance, and to catch up with homeboys from Umhlabuyalingana to Nkandla.

Why are we not using our God-given senses, and see that moving from ANC to MKP is tantamount to jumping out of a frying pan into the fire? Zuma has destroyed everything the country needs for job creation.

Raletsatsi Makgato 

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