It's time to take action against violence in SA

It did not help the situation that the law enforcement agencies were attacked by foreigners not so long ago and no foreign government or foreigner representation bodies condemned the act, the writer says.
It did not help the situation that the law enforcement agencies were attacked by foreigners not so long ago and no foreign government or foreigner representation bodies condemned the act, the writer says.
Image: Thulani Mbele

The attacks and looting currently happening in our country have highlighted the need for us to work together more than ever before.

Governments, locals, foreigners and the numerous bodies representing the same foreigners in the country and the Diaspora as a whole.

It is easy to blame this whole thing on xenophobia or criminality, but we have to be honest and tackle the root cause.

As much as we condemn these acts, we need to say indeed there are foreigners who are involved in unlawful and prodigal activities and some are illegally in SA.

It did not help the situation that the law enforcement agencies were attacked by foreigners not so long ago and no foreign government or foreigner representation bodies condemned the act.

The time is now for those who are here legitimately and are not selling counterfeit goods and drugs to out their fellow countrymen who do.

Now is the time for the various bodies representing the foreigners to take stock and check if indeed those they represent are legitimate and are not involved in illicit activities and if they are, to be reported to the authorities.

The SA government also need to be responsive and sort out the porous borders and introduce an efficient immigration system.

It does not inspire any confidence if the government can estimate how many foreigners are in the country, the numbers should be exact.

Zakes Nakedi, Ennerdale