Parties coalition must work in best interests of SA

Members of the EFF.
Members of the EFF.
Image: Alaister Russell

It's very interesting to hear that the EFF is considering a coalition government with the ANC after the general elections.

This is after the DA has fallen out of favour. The accusations on DA election posters that allude to the EFF's alleged involvement in the VBS Mutual Bank scandal has angered EFF leaders.

The EFF is prepared to open discussions with the ANC for a possible coalition. Its leader Julius Malema says the ruling party is corrupt but has never been hostile to them.

Should the two parties reach an agreement, our politics will be more interesting. One wonders if the EFF would still disrupt parliament sittings when it is partly a ruling party.

As it would be working closely with the ANC, would it shame inefficient and corrupt officials? What's more, their policies are different, especially on the issue of land expropriation.

It remains to be seen how the two parties will gel their policies together? Whatever the parties decide to do, it must be in the best interest of the nation.

Matome Kubu

Arcadia, Pretoria

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