Accusers making up stories, Jub Jub's lawyer claims

Musician ordered to surrender passport within 48 hours

Noxolo Sibiya Journalist
Jub Jub appeared in court on Thursday for rape, attempted murder and assault charges for incidents that 'happened' in 2006-2009.
Jub Jub appeared in court on Thursday for rape, attempted murder and assault charges for incidents that 'happened' in 2006-2009.
Image: Moeletsi Mabe

Defence lawyer for rapper and TV presenter Molemo Jub-Jub Maarohanye, who appeared in court for rape, attempted murder and assault, says women in the country are given too much power to exploit the criminal justice system. 

Terrence Ntsako Baloyi was speaking outside the Johannesburg magistrate’s court on Thursday. Maarohanye appeared on three charges of rape, two charges of attempted murder and one for assault. 

The case, which was registered a year ago, involves four complainants – three of whom are well-known personalities who accuse him of violating them between 2006 and 2009. 

Baloyi said his client is innocent and that the women had fabricated the incidents in an attempt to bring him down. 

“What will be the basis or the merit of their case? What evidence will they produce? They are talking about a case that took place in 2006, where were they all along? Why do they wait for now when they see that his career is rising. That is why I am saying it is unfair, perhaps our women are given too much power to exploit the criminal justice system and bring successful men down. It’s wrong.

“It’s an abuse of the criminal justice system and they are doing exactly that.” 

Baloyi said his client intended to plead not guilty as they had a watertight case. 

“I believe we have something to stand on because these are fabricated charges based on some form of recruitment of one another. Basically, it is a ploy to say this guy has come out of prison, he is now successful, lets bring him down.” 

“The number [of complainants] grew because someone recruited them.” 

Maarohanye, who was granted bail of R10,000, initially asked the court to grant him R1,000 bail – an amount magistrate Simon Radasi found laughable. 

“What makes you think the court would grant bail at that amount considering the serious nature of the allegations? The state wants bail to the amount of R1,000 which I found laughable …” he said as he requested the prosecutor who did not oppose bail, to suggest how much they think would be suitable. 

The court ordered Maarohanye to surrender his passport within 24 hours. 

In his affidavit, Maarohanye denied the allegations levelled against him and questioned why one of the complainants whom he had a relationship with, only came forward after he made remarks about their sexual life on a popular podcast last year.  

TV channel Moja Love said it was aware of the allegations levelled against Maarohanye and that they would monitor the progress and will allow the law to take its course.

In 2012, Maarohanye was found guilty of murder, attempted murder, driving under the influence of drugs and racing on a public road by the Protea magistrate's court in Soweto. He was sentenced to 25 years in jail. This after he plunged into a group of school children, killing four of them while others were injured.

But on appeal, the murder conviction was eventually overturned and reduced to an eight-year sentence for culpable homicide in 2014. He served four years in jail and was released on parole in January 2017. He finished his parole in December 2019.

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