CRL Rights Commission hosts hearings to deal with unequal treatment of languages in SA

CRL Rights Commission hosts hearings to deal with unequal treatment of languages in SA.
CRL Rights Commission hosts hearings to deal with unequal treatment of languages in SA.
Image: 123RF/ iqoncept

In an effort to address the  unequal treatment of languages in South Africa, the CRL Rights Commission will today be hosting hearings that will assist to make sure that all eleven languages are accorded the same rights and treatment.

The hearings will be able to assess and determine the use and status of the indigenous languages in offices and positive measures that departments are employing to elevate the status and advance the use of these languages.

The hearings are also meant to assess measures that are in place to regulate and monitor the use of official languages.

Mpiyakhe Mkholo said the CRL Rights Commission will be receiving reports and interrogating various stakeholders operating in this space.

“The commission will be assessing as to how far and what plans do these stakeholders have to demonstrate their practical response to the requirements as outlined in the constitution for them to develop and achieve practical implementation of policies, strategies and plans. The stakeholders called upon to give answers to the commission include national, provincial departments, municipalities as well as all organs of state such as judiciary and education departments,” Mkholo said.

He said the participants who will be appearing before the commission will be required to give answers as to what measures have been put in place to curb territorial or divisionary employment based on language.

“The participants will have to provide answers for communicating with the public concerning official notices, government publications and inter-and intra government communications,” Mkholo said.

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