ANC's top six to decide Bathabile Dlamini’s fate in the party: Mashatile

The ANC's top six will decide what to do with convicted perjurer Bathabile Dlamini, who will know on Friday whether she will be given a fine or go to jail.
Bathabile Dlamini_0035 The ANC's top six will decide what to do with convicted perjurer Bathabile Dlamini, who will know on Friday whether she will be given a fine or go to jail.
Image: Thapelo Morebudi

The fate of convicted perjurer ANC Woman’s League president Bathabile Dlamini in the party lies in the hands of the party’s national officials led by party president Cyril Ramaphosa.

ANC treasurer-general Paul Mashatile on Monday announced that the party’s highest decision-making body, the national executive committee (NEC), had resorted to tasking the top six to decide what to do about Dlamini’s conviction. 

He was addressing members of the media at the party's headquarters on the outcomes of  the NEC meeting held virtually at the weekend.

Dlamini, who previously served as minister of social development, was found guilty of perjury by the Johannesburg magistrate's court two weeks ago. The court is on Friday expected to decide whether Dlamini will be given a fine or a jail sentence. 

Pressure had been mounting on the party’s officials to sack Dlamini in line with the party’s step-aside resolution — which stipulates that members indicted by a court of law should step aside from all party positions. 

Mashatile denied allegations that the party is treating Dlamini’s case as special. Usually, party members implicated in serious crimes are expected to inform the office of the general secretary and resign but this had not happened in Dlamini's case.

“There are some matters that should be handled differently,” Mashatile said.

Ramaphosa is leading a South African delegation at the United Arab Emirates, making a case for investors from the Gulf countries and beyond to invest in the country.

Mashatile said only after Ramaphosa's return would Dlamini’s matter be discussed.

“We are not delaying. If the president was around, we would have met today. So we are not treating comrade Bathabile’s case as special.”  

In his closing remarks at the NEC meeting at the weekend, Ramaphosa said: “There is a direct dialectical relationship between the revolutionary movement and the state of government. If we do not have a strong ANC, we cannot have effective government.

“Where we have allowed service delivery to fail, where there has been abuse of state resources and mismanagement of government, our people’s trust in our organisation has faltered.”

Mashatile added that the NEC reaffirmed its determination to implement and lead the party’s programme of renewal in governance and organisation, and in its relationship with South Africans.

Meanwhile, the ANC Women's League faces possible dissolution. 

Two weeks ago, the party appointed former National Assembly speaker and current defence minister Thandi Modise to lead a task team to determine if the leadership of the league should remain in office.

Mashatile said the NEC welcomed the move.

“The NEC supports the decision of the NWC to appoint a task team consisting of comrades Thandi Modise, Nathi Mthethwa and Jenny Schreiner to make recommendations regarding the status of the ANCWL NEC.  

“It mandated the national officials and the NWC to process the report of the task team and take decisions to be reported to the NEC for ratification.”

Mashatile also announced that the NEC had finalised the appointment of members of the ANC renewal commission, who are:  Thoko Didiza, chair; Naledi Pandor; Joel Netshitenzhe; Zingiswa Losi; Wally Serote; Mahlengi Bhengu; Jeremy Cronin; Fasiha Hassan; Bheki Nkosi; Dr Billy Ramokgopa; and Abba Omar.

“The commission will be responsible for making recommendations to the 55th national conference on Vision2032 describing the desired state of the ANC as it approaches its 120th year of existence,” said Mashatile.  

“The commission will engage all ANC structures and cadres in discussions on the priorities and tasks of the movement for the decade ahead and also encourage broader social formations — starting with alliance partners — to contribute to a debate on the role and place of the ANC in the fundamental transformation of society.”


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