Ndlanya tells Rhoo to work the ground to get Safa throne

He must campaign in all the regions, says former striker

Neville Khoza Journalist
Lucas Radebe has indicated that he might run for Safa presidency
Lucas Radebe has indicated that he might run for Safa presidency
Image: Sydney Mahlangu/BackpagePix

Bafana Bafana legend Pollen Ndlanya has advised Lucas Radabe to go through Safa structures and garner support in his bid to become the association’s president in the future.

Sunday World reported Radebe had expressed his desire to replace Danny Jordaan, but bizarrely, the association issued a statement telling Radebe the next elections will only be in three years’ time.

Jordaan was re-elected in June last year, but Ndlanya wants Radebe, 54, to start campaigning in all 52 Safa regions to test the waters.

“Look, you don’t just wake up and say you want to do this, you challenge whoever,” Ndlanya told Sowetan yesterday.

“There are structures, there are procedures, you know that. Obviously, if you go to all the branches to elect you and support you, if people feel that he is capable, why not?

“At the end of the day, all the structures have to understand and support you, it is a long way. He is a legend, he played this game at the highest level and the question now is he going to be ready?

“Because this thing of running our football in our country is not easy. It is not like you played the game, you are the legend and it will be easy.

“But I don’t have a problem with that. It would be nice. We as legends can support him but are Safa structures going to support him?”

In their statement, Safa indicated that Radebe - who was nicknamed Rhoo during his playing days for Kaizer Chiefs and Leeds United - would also have to go through an “integrity test" to qualify for candidature.

Another Bafana legend Neil Tovey is not sure if Lucas can succeed as there is a lot of responsibility in that position.

“It is not an easy job at all. It’s a big job and it’s hard to tell if anyone can be successful. There are a lot of responsibilities, but only time will tell.”

Radebe could not be reached for comment.

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