Cash-flush PSL in an elite league

PSL chair Irvin Khoza
PSL chair Irvin Khoza

With the PSL having declared record revenues of R1bn at its AGM last week, the organisation has set itself apart as one of the richest sports bodies in the country.

One billion reasons to smile

The league's income is from two sources: broadcasts and sponsorships. In the previous financial period SuperSport International paid the league a staggering R600m. From the six competition sponsors, the league made a total of R358m. Absa paid R136m, MTN R43m, Telkom R57m, Nedbank R80m and MultiChoice R41m. Their only official supplier, SAB, paid the league R20m.

Member clubs raking in the cash

In its financial statement, the PSL shows that it paid member clubs grants worth an incredible R616m. Clubs in the Absa Premiership are given a monthly grant of R2.5m while those in the GladAfrica Championship received R500, 000. Clubs are also paid other incentives for tournament participation and performances.

Club loans

With many clubs struggling financially to stay afloat, the league provides to clubs in need. Its financials shows that R54m was borrowed out to teams in distress.

Properties investments

The properties that the league owns are worth R14m. This includes their headquarters in Parktown and adjacent land.

Not for profit

The Premier Soccer League ploughs back all the money it generates to member clubs and to operations.

While its revenue was R1.005bn, the league also incurred expenditure of R1.020bn. It for this reason its surplus (profit) was just R64,438.

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