Dagga can be good for you

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The use and cultivation of cannabis for private and home use has just been legalised in South Africa. While reactions to the move have been mixed, stoners everywhere have already lit up their first joint-worry free.

Let's take a look at the five unexpected benefits of cannabis:

1. It fights cancer

The number of daily or near-daily users of cannabis was about 8.4 million in 2014, a report estimated -- up from 3.9 million in 2002. ©Rouzes/Istock.com
The number of daily or near-daily users of cannabis was about 8.4 million in 2014, a report estimated -- up from 3.9 million in 2002. ©Rouzes/Istock.com
Image: Stock

The cannabidiol (CBD) found in marijuana can help prevent cancer spreading. An article by Life Hack quotes research by the American Association for Cancer which showed marijuana slowed down the growth of tumours in the brain, breasts and lungs. It also reduces pain from chemotherapy and stimulates a patient’s appetite.

2. It helps with depression

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While more research needs to be done about this, studies have suggested medical marijuana can restore normal function and stabilise moods. According to medical site Health Line, depression is linked to chronic stress. Cannabis can help to reduce this and ease the symptoms of depression

3. It regulates OCD

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Obsessive compulsive disorder is characterised by excessive thoughts or obsessions, leading to repetitive behaviour which affects the everyday life of sufferers. The New Jersey Alternative tells us that the CBD found in marijuana helps calm the effects of OCD.  Depending on each individual the doses may vary.

4. THC can slow the progression of Alzheimers disease

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In an article by Science Alert they break down the physics behind the herb. The active compound tetrahydrocannabinol found in cannabis encourages the removal of toxic clumps of a protein in the brain which is thought to stimulate the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

5. Easing the pain of multiple sclerosis 

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Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease which eats away at the protective covering of nerves. An article by High Times says while immunosuppressant drugs help with the disease, they often come with side effects. It claims the pain and spasticity of the disease can be combated by smoking cannabis. 

Cannabis comes in two strains

Indica: This strain is believed to be physically sedating- perfect for night cap before bed.

Sativa: This strain is more energizing and invigorating- Goes well before a night out. 

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