ANC at best a criminal enterprise

ANC flag. File photo.
ANC flag. File photo.
Image: Phillip Nothnagel

For us to realise good governance, the ANC must collapse, so that a new political formation can take over; with no Struggle credentials, that cannot be used to hold people to ransom.

ANC comrades say "if you do not vote ANC, you will bring back legalised racial segregation," meaning apartheid. On the other side cadres implement full-blown partisanship. The old crocks in the party who have underground experience must retire because their experience is no longer needed.

They have vast experience of underground operations, through acts of sabotage. The voters who think they can simply transform to operate "above ground" with integrity, missed reality. They simply do not have a sense of what is happening.

Government officials must always be informed by the dictates of conscience when creating and implementing policies. I derive no joy from saying that today’s ANC can best be described as a criminal enterprise masquerading as a moral and political “leader of society”.

Much of what is unfolding is an example set by the ANC cadres who nominated and elected Jacob Zuma in Polokwane. In 2009, then Cogta minister Sicelo Shiceka led a departmental team of senior officials to present the Operation Clean Audit 2014 strategic plan to parliament.

Many consultative meetings were held and provinces were mandated to implement the plan. Though the plan is now seven years overdue, the auditor-general, Tsakani Maluleke, is flabbergasted to discover poorly prepared financial books.

The R26bn incurred in irregular expenditure by municipalities and R54bn the national and provincial government departments clocked in the 2019-2020 financial year, is a case of lack of consequential management and prosecutorial efforts.

Despite deploying the services of consultants, public entities cannot get it right. The accounting teams must be held responsible and reported to the Accounting Standards Boards for their negligence in recording and reporting to conceal intentional errors.

Kgothatso Mphuthi, Phiritona, Heilbron

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