Lawlessness in SA knows no bounds

These looters and foreigners who commit all sorts of crimes are two side of the same coin, the writer says.
These looters and foreigners who commit all sorts of crimes are two side of the same coin, the writer says.
Image: Thulani Mbele

SA is a lawless country and anyone who doesn't want to accept this fact is in denial.

I never thought we would reach a day where people would commit crime in broad daylight and very little is done about it. What happened in Johannesburg CBD and other areas is unacceptable.

Listen | What Police Minister General Bheki Cele plans to do about violent looting in Gauteng

If you're employed as an intelligence operative by government, you should be ashamed of yourself. I'm beginning to suspect that all our intelligence agents live in suburbs, behind high walls, hence they can't gather any sensitive information.

In black neighborhoods, whenever there's something that is planned, some gossip monger or a drunk person will talk about it. It's that simple. How did we get here? It's a combination of many things.

Home Affairs should shoulder bulk of the blame. It's been said many times that our borders are porous. Border officials who take bribes and let in dangerous undocumented foreign nationals should be ashamed too.

Reports that police minister Bheki Cele will be meeting izinduna because most looters are reported to be coming from hostels aren't completely surprising. Just like taxi operators, hostel dwellers have been treated with kids gloves by government for so long.

What happened to plans of turning hostels into family units? Those looters and foreigners who commit all sorts of crimes are two side of the same coin. It's just that they haven't exchanged notes.

Richardson Mzaidume, Pimville

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