Musa Mseleku not the same as Hugh Hefner

Polygamist Musa Mseleku, seen here with his wives Nokukhanya, Busisiwe, Mbali and Thobile, is no SA's Hugh Hefner.
Polygamist Musa Mseleku, seen here with his wives Nokukhanya, Busisiwe, Mbali and Thobile, is no SA's Hugh Hefner.
Image: Veli Nhlapo

Comparing Musa Mseleku to Hugh Hefner is an affront to Zulu culture. Mseleku marries and has children with his wives while The Hef's "Bunnies" were purely for his pleasure and Playboy magazine. - Anonymous

DA too bossy for its own good

The DA mindset is that of being bosses even where they don't feature. How can they tell the governing party who to deploy? Already, they have lost the support of the EFF because of them being bossy. - Mr B, Diepkloof

Ace awed because of skeletons

Ace Magashule is a loose cannon, and is aware no one in ANC can dare call him to order because of the smallernyana skeletons in their closets. Every contaminated cadre is waiting to open a can of worms, which the ANC fears. - Shaluza

Don't excuse obesity for beauty

I have read about big mamas or obese women. Most, if not all, are women from Gauteng province. Many die bedridden. Today, unfortunately, obesity is encouraged by so-called plus-size beauty pageants. - OJ Ompi

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