Let the city turn off your geyser to help the grid outside load-shedding, CT is asking

Residential and small-scale commercial customers are being targeted to participate in the 'power heroes' plan.
Residential and small-scale commercial customers are being targeted to participate in the 'power heroes' plan.
Image: Péter Gudella /123rf

Capetonians are being asked to volunteer to let the city turn off their appliances, such as geysers, to reduce demand and prevent higher stages of load-shedding.

Compensation will be offered to those who agree to the proposal, mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis said, without giving a number.

A reduction of 60MW in usage is targeted, the metro said in a statement.

Residential and small-scale commercial customers are being targeted to participate in the “power heroes” plan.

Smaller energy consumers can make a big difference to keep the lights on for longer in Cape Town and to ensure that the Cape Town economy is enhanced and protected as much as possible,” the city said.

Explaining how it would work, the city said: “When usage needs to be cut, 'aggregators' [third party entities] switch off agreed-to non-essential electrical equipment of the 'power heroes'. It could be done remotely via installed smart devices.

"'Aggregators' determine the incentives and manage it. The city rewards the 'aggregators' in terms of the tender conditions and agreements.

“With this tender, reducing demand will become a contractual requirement and bring more certainty to our energy space.”


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