Tumi Masemola shuts down weaves vs natural hair debate: Wear what you want, girl

Tumi Masemola wears her hair how she likes.
Tumi Masemola wears her hair how she likes.
Image: Instagram/Tumi from the gang

Tumi Masemola is the latest celeb to share her thoughts on the ongoing debate about natural hair, urging her followers to wear their hair however they feel comfortable.

The debate was thrown back into the spotlight recently when a schoolgirl was allegedly sent home and told to cut her long braids.

While social media users fought about the “evils” of wearing a weave, Tumi took to social media to share a snap of her in an elegant wig.

She acknowledged the debate between wigs, natural hair and weaves, but then shut it down real quick.

This whole debate of natural hair vs wig or weave is like debating between silk and cotton underwear. Wear what you want girl,” she wrote, alongside the hashtag “freedom”.

The Gang of Instrumentals singer also advised her followers not to “get too attached to the packaging. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience”.

“Focus on the experiences you want to have, the contributions you want to make,” she added.

Tumi's comments come days after poet Ntsiki Mazwai dragged women who wear weaves.

Ntsiki, who is a staunch advocate for women wearing their natural hair, said women who hid their real hair by wearing weaves had nothing to brag about.

She added that black women were the only people on the planet to wear two hairstyles on their heads at the same time.

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