Miss SA top three share thoughts on representing SA on global stage

Thato Mosehle, Miss SA 2020 Shudufhadzo Musida and Natasha Joubert will represent the country at the Miss World, Miss Universe and Miss Supranational pageants this year.
Thato Mosehle, Miss SA 2020 Shudufhadzo Musida and Natasha Joubert will represent the country at the Miss World, Miss Universe and Miss Supranational pageants this year.
Image: Supplied

Miss SA Shudufhadzo Musida and her first and second princesses, Thato Mosehle and Natasha Joubert, opened up about preparing to represent SA on global stages this year.

The beauty queens had a heart-to-heart conversation on during an Instagram Live on Thursday, in which they responded to questions from supporters who wanted to know about their journey so far.

Musida will take on Miss World in December and Mosehle will represent SA at Miss Supranational - the pageant is yet to confirm the date.

Joubert will be the first to represent SA, at Miss Universe on May 17. As she preps for the global stage, she says she aims to give the pageant her best and make SA proud.

“It's really walking away knowing that I did my best. I want to walk away saying 'this is everything I could do'. I want to be proud of myself first. Obviously, I want to make SA proud but I need to be content with everything I do there,” she said.

South Africans have long toyed with the idea of the three ladies winning the titles during their respective pageants, so much so that they have been dubbed the “Miss SA triplets” on social media.

Asked whether this puts them under pressure, Musida said their sisterhood empowers rather than pressures them.

“With us as the triplets and the [Miss SA top 10] I loved the sisterhood of it all. For me, even with Miss SA, there is no pressure. The sisterhood inspires you more and you get to call Natasha or Thato, especially now with Natasha going to Universe first, we will call on you a lot because you know the pressure of prep. We will be supporting you with everything,” she said.

Watch the full conversation below: