Pregnant woman murdered at Brits hospital had a protection order against alleged killer ex-husband

Jonnas Tebogo Mpete, a police officer stationed at Rapid Rail in Silverton, appeared in the Brits magistrate's court on a charge of murdering his pregnant ex-wife.
Jonnas Tebogo Mpete, a police officer stationed at Rapid Rail in Silverton, appeared in the Brits magistrate's court on a charge of murdering his pregnant ex-wife.
Image: Supplied:NPA

The Brits magistrate’s court on Tuesday heard that the pregnant woman gunned down, allegedly by her ex-husband, at Brits hospital had obtained a protection order against him in 2021. 

Jonnas Tebogo Mpete, 39,  a police sergeant who was stationed at Rapid Rail in Silverton, appeared in court on a charge of premeditated murder for allegedly killing Ntombizodwa Khumalo, 35.

National Prosecution Authority spokesperson Lumka Mahanjana said Mpete told the court, through his lawyer, that he has a previous conviction for corruption and is awaiting sentence at Pretoria Specialised Commercial Crimes court on April 19. 

Police spokesperson Brigadier Sabata Mokgwabone said according to information, Khumalo,who was working as a switchboard operator, was at the entrance to the hospital when the suspect fired several shots, killing her instantly.

He said the motive is unknown and investigations by the independent police investigative directorate (Ipid) are under way.

Mpete handed himself over to Brits police last Wednesday.

Mahanjana said the matter has been postponed to April 21 for further investigations in respect of a bail application.


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