Minister Kodwa ‘spoke to Caf president’ Motsepe on treatment of SA teams at tournaments on the continent

Sports minster Zizi Kodwa. File photo.
Sports minster Zizi Kodwa. File photo.
Image: Gallo Images/Oupa Bopape

Sports, arts & culture minister Zizi Kodwa says he has spoken to Confederation of African Football (Caf) president Patrice Motsepe to ask that South African teams be given a level playing field when competing in competitions on the continent.

Kodwa was speaking at a press conference in Sandton on Tuesday for the Marumo Gallants' duo who were held at a Libyan hotel for three weeks after the owner demanded a fee the club saw as exorbitant for extra costs, including assisting with flight tickets.

Gallants' media officer Rufus Matsena and physiotherapist Tebogo Dhlomo returned to South Africa on Monday after club chair Abram Sello reached an agreement to settle the financial dispute with Benghazi hotel owner Dr Ali Elzargha.

Kodwa was asked about the situation where teams coming to South Africa for competitions receive top treatment and facilities, which is often far from reciprocated. He said Caf needs to enforce its rules on treatment of teams. 

“I had an opportunity to speak to the president of Caf in Durban to say there are things we as government cannot do but federations can do, and I think Caf can help us,” Kodwa said.

“There have been experiences on the field [too]. I think Caf has a role to play because we can’t have it that every team from South Africa that plays on the continent experiences these kinds of conditions.

“And I think I got a commitment from the president that there are certain things they will do.”

Kodwa said the incident with the Libyan authorities is “now closed”.

Gallants travelled to Benghazi and were beaten 4-1 by Al-Akhdar on March 19.

They experienced problems getting flights due to the Ramadan holiday, which Elzargha assisted with. The hotel owner said he also assisted with arranging new makeshift kits for Gallants after theirs went missing, and travel in Benghazi.

However, a bill for $37,000 (about R678,000), when the charter flight cost $6,000 surprised the club.

Sello would not disclose the details of the agreement reached with Elzargha. He was asked when Gallants began trying to obtain flight tickets to Libya.

“We started as early as January,” Sello said. “Due to the match taking place in the Ramadan period, together with travel agencies, we struggled to secure those flights.

“We also considered booking charter flights but they were reluctant to land in Benghazi citing difficulties in that country.

“As a last resort we contacted the Libyan hotel owner we met in our previous trip to Benghazi in October [for a preliminary round game against Al Ahli], Dr Ali, who assisted us in booking return tickets from Istanbul [in Turkey] to Benghazi.

“We booked his hotel and that bill was settled on checkout. The only amount due was for the flight tickets and kit bought in Benghazi.

“We tried making payments at Al Baraka Bank in South Africa and Turkey, and through other South African banks, but it was difficult due to financial complexities.

“Two staff members remained after the team left to finalise the payment arrangement with Dr Ali. We paid based on cost estimates received.

“The hotel owner demanded an additional amount but would not give a breakdown of what it was for. During this time he refused to return our staff.”

Sello “apologised to the employees and their families for the positions they found themselves in”.

He thanked those who assisted Gallants, including the department of international relations & co-operation and South African Football Association in their negotiations for the pair to return home.

He said Gallants do not expect any repeat of their difficulties when they meet Pyramids FC in the first leg of their quarterfinal in Cairo on April 23 as there is far better travel infrastructure in Egypt.

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