Teen accused of Alex school stabbing kept in youth detention centre

A 15-year-old pupil is being held at a child and youth centre after the stabbing death of a fellow pupil. Stock photo.
A 15-year-old pupil is being held at a child and youth centre after the stabbing death of a fellow pupil. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF/Markus Schnessl

A 15-year-old Alexandra pupil appeared in court on Wednesday, charged with the fatal stabbing of a schoolmate.

On Monday, Pholosho Junior Secondary School pupil Qhayiye Mgaye was stabbed to death after seemingly trying to prevent a fight.

NPA spokesperson Phindi Mjonondwane confirmed that the teenage suspect appeared for a preliminary inquiry at the Alexandra magistrate's court.

“He was charged with murder, after the death of a fellow learner inside the school premises in Alexandra. The state alleges that the death of the fellow learner ensued from a fight between the accused and some learners within the school premises during lunchtime, wherein the accused fetched a sharp object and stabbed the fellow learner,” she said.

The accused was remanded in custody at a child and youth centre until September 8, when the matter will be heard in the child justice court.