Zondo 'violating the constitution', says Edward Zuma

Former president Jacob Zuma's son Edward says deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo must recuse himself from the state capture commission

Former president Jacob Zuma's son Edward has called on deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo to recuse himself from the state capture commission.
Former president Jacob Zuma's son Edward has called on deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo to recuse himself from the state capture commission.

Edward Zuma has penned a scathing statement aimed at deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo, asking that he recuse himself from the state capture commission.

This after Zondo last week ordered former president Jacob Zuma to appear before the commission, and said he would not negotiate dates for that appearance.

In the statement, Edward accused Zondo of “violating the constitution of the country” and of insulting the former president.

Edward Zuma is Jacob Zuma's son.

The commission's legal team made an application to compel Zuma to appear on October 9 after Zuma failed to appear on the last occasion citing health concerns around travel — particularly during the coronavirus pandemic — and the need to prepare for his criminal trial in the Pietermaritzburg high court.

Zondo said the application would be heard on October 9 “with or without” Zuma's legal team.

Zondo has also fixed new dates for Zuma's appearance for November 16 to 20, 2020.

“I have determined new dates for Mr Zuma’s appearance at the inquiry,” said Zondo. “No dates will be negotiated with them [Zuma's legal team] or with him.”

In response, Edward called Zondo's actions a publicity stunt.

“Such was totally uncalled for. Can South Africans for one moment just think and ask, 'Was this really necessary?'

“Citizens, the Zondo theatrics are not about Cde JZ, they are about Zondo and his self preservation strategy,” read Edward's statement.

Edward also accused Zondo of letting his anger cloud his judgment.

“His anger with the former president should not suppress his judicial judgment as we know that the anger is also exacerbated by his common relationship with the former president through a particular child the DCJ fathers,” the statement read.

On Wednesday, Zuma's foundation also accused Zondo of using Zuma's name to position himself for the top position in the Constitutional Court — that of chief justice. It also said that Zondo was “obsessed” with Zuma.

The commission's spokesperson Rev Mbuyiselo Stemela said: "DCJ does not intend to respond to, or,  comment on the statement."


Zuma vs Zondo: He won't be able to run from the commission forever

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