UKZN lectures suspended 'until further notice'

Protesting students blockaded the main entrances to UKZN's Westville campus on Thursday.
Protesting students blockaded the main entrances to UKZN's Westville campus on Thursday.
Image: Supplied

Plagued by violent protests, the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) has suspended its academic programme until further notice.

Lectures were expected to resume on Monday. However a communique from the registrar informed students on Sunday that a decision to suspend the academic programme had been taken.

“The suspension includes all UKZN campuses and all colleges. Notice with respect to the recommencement of the academic programme will be issued in due course, both via an official registrar communique and on the university website.”

The university said registration for undergraduate and postgraduate students would continue.

The executive management committee and student representative council (SRC) were expected to meet on Tuesday to continue discussions.

Violence has rocked the university since the start of registration, as students protest about funding issues, particularly the 15% of historic debt they are required to pay before they are cleared for registration.

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