MPs slam Operation Dudula: 'Immigrants have rights too'

MPs have slammed the actions of Operation Dudula, saying immigrants have rights too.
MPs have slammed the actions of Operation Dudula, saying immigrants have rights too.
Image: Sharon Seretlo/Gallo Images/ File photo

MPs have slammed Operation Dudula for targeting undocumented foreigners. . 

The movement began in Gauteng and has since mushroomed in Kimberley in the Northern Cape. The Northern Cape group have been operating under the name 'Operation Fiela'. 

The IFP and ACDP on Tuesday fell short of calling the two movements vigilante groups after the heightened targeting of foreigners at  the weekend.

Narend Singh, IFP MP, said even illegal migrants in the country were protected by law from criminal groups usurping the role of law-enforcement agencies.

ACDP leader Kenneth Meshoe concurred, saying the failures of the department of home affairs could not be pinned on foreigners who were only trying to make a living.

Singh fired the first salvo: “The rights of any person residing within our borders needs to be respected, whether they be asylum seekers or illegal immigrants. We will not support any form of xenophobic action. We would like to say plainly that campaigns such as Operation Dudula cannot take the law  into their own hands. Everyone is equal before the law and we must all respect the rule of law.

Government and the department of home affairs have failed us. Their inability to manage our borders as well as keep track of and deal with those who make their way into SA illegally has only served to intensify the anti-foreigner sentiments
Narend Singh, IFP MP

“And I am glad that the Honourable president of the country confirmed that yesterday in the speech.”

Singh said home affairs must take the blame.

“Government and the department of home affairs have failed us. Their inability to manage our borders as well as keep track of and deal with those who make their way into SA illegally has only served to intensify the anti-foreigner sentiments around issues such as jobs and healthcare.”

Meshoe agreed.

“The ACDP is deeply concerned and ashamed at what has been done to foreign national in our country, many times by criminals. Besides unlawful attacks on foreign nationals that we strongly condemn, we believe that it is totally unacceptable for local young men and women to take the law into their own hands and try to do what government officials and inspectors should be doing,” said Meshoe.

“It is not right for unemployed citizens to go around from one shop to the other demanding work and resident's permits from people who are doing business.”

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