Cedric talks about men who have sex with men

Cedric Fourie encourages people to get tested to know their HIV status.
Cedric Fourie encourages people to get tested to know their HIV status.

Skeem Saam actor and media personality Cedric Fourie has revealed reasons behind his support for the Me1st campaign, which is aimed at supporting men who have sex with other men - otherwise known as the MSM community.

The campaign, which is also endorsed by the Right to Care organisation, provides sexual education and healthcare to the MSM community. Other media personalities such as TV host and comedian Moshe Ndiki and LGBTI+ advocate and writer Phumlani Kango also support the Me1st campaign.

The campaign provides access to information and free healthcare that is discreet, confidential and free of discrimination and is administered by qualified professionals.

Fourie's role is to encourage more people to get tested to know their HIV status.

"My role is to also educate them with information about how and where they can get proper, free healthcare, most importantly to challenge and dispose of the stereotypes that make people believe that proper healthcare isn't accessible, because it is," he said.

Fourie told Sunday World that the biggest misconceptions are that people believe the campaign is meant for certain groups of people.

"There's a large number of men having sex with other men, and most of them have female partners at the same time. So, we find people labelling this campaign as for 'gays only', but it's not just for gays, it's for everyone," he said.

The campaign was launched in November last year.

Fourie will be part of various activities set to take place in Kimberley, East London, Bloemfontein and Durban over the next four months.

"I want people to understand that the campaign aims at bringing forth positive change in society and also helps marginalised people of all communities.

"This campaign caters for everyone," said the actor.

Kango, who is one of the ambassadors for the Me1st campaign, said in a statement: "The MSM community is one that is not understood by the public, and I believe this campaign will assist in that. Most importantly, MSM will have access to quality healthcare without judgement from people."

Group COO for Right to Care, Ian Ralph, said campaigns like Me1st are critical in ensuring no one is discriminated against from accessing healthcare because of how they identify themselves or who they choose to partner with.

Right to Care is a non-profit organisation that supports and advocates prevention, care and treatment services for HIV and associated diseases.

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