READER LETTER | ANC its own worst enemy

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So, has it now become the norm for the ruling ANC to always blame everyone for their woes but themselves? Do they think the masses are dumb?

For goodness sake, they’ve been in charge for 30 years, during which they ensured closure of big companies that provided bread and butter for the poor; they can’t maintain infrastructure and they’ve destroyed all SOEs.

I don’t even want to hear any stupid person say anything about RDP houses that crumble like a pack of cards due to poor workmanship and poor quality because we still have strong apartheid four-room houses that one can be proud of, unlike these useless RDPs.

Not a single day goes by without newsof corruption in SA, while the presidentalways lies to us that he’s going to deal with corruption – only to surround himself with corrupt individuals.Any leader who always shifts the blame is weak and doesn’t deserve to lead the country like ours.


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