READER LETTER | Malema a hypocrite par excellence

EFF leader Julius Malema. File photo.
EFF leader Julius Malema. File photo.
Image: Fani Mahuntsi

During election season, populists always try to draw attention and in most instances they use misinformation to mislead people. Populism promotes a false promise to bring power to the people.

Populists do not want to be questioned about their own corruption, their misuse of power and their misinformation. At the weekend, Julius Malema slammed the Springboks as a symbol of apartheid, but the EFF members he was addressing failed to question him why he is an MP in an apartheid symbol, parliament.

EFF members are still to question him as to why he is using a white bodyguard, an apartheid symbol of state security, and not using black security officers. The EFF leader is still to explain why he abandoned the services of black lawyers in favour of white lawyers, a symbol of apartheid legal services.

EFF MPs are paying R207 per month for occupying parliamentary houses, apartheid symbols with their own apartheid rental policies. In 2014, after being sworn in as MPs, EFF leaders declared that they won’t eat from the parliamentary cafeteria (read apartheid symbol), but they’ll instead support blacks and eat from the hawkers outside parliament.

The party’s MPs are still to explain the unannounced return to the parliamentary cafeteria. If people are to disassociate themselves with symbols of apartheid, populists must not misinform people and only select to disassociate with those symbols that they do not like.

Phepisi Radipere, Ga - Ramokadi - kadi