Ace should be jailed for treason

The writer says suspended ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule deserves to be jailed for attempting to overthrow the government.
The writer says suspended ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule deserves to be jailed for attempting to overthrow the government.
Image: Esa Alexander

Frankly speaking Bra Ace Magashule, you got it all wrong. I wonder who is advising you. Firstly, you went against your own word, where you always say members of the ANC must never take the movement to court.

Today you fail to practise what you preach; have you exhausted all the internal processes like you used to preach?

Were you aware, Magashule, that by writing a suspension letter to President Cyril Ramaphosa, you are actually recalling him? Were you aware you are saying to the country, and the world at large, that SA does not have a president anymore?

What was your take on EFF leader Julius Malema when he attacked Ramaphosa by saying, as far as he knew, Ramaphosa was no longer the president because he has been suspended?

Don't you see the danger, real danger, in this statement? The country could revolt against the sitting government, the military could also be tempted to take over.

We are lucky because we have a disciplined and orderly military, unlike in the other parts of our continent.

This is treason Magashule, you deserve to be jailed for attempting to overthrow the government. I don't think you thought before you put pen on paper.

Mathabatha Kganyago, e-mail

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