No need to postpone elections

Strict adherence to Covid-19 safety protocols will be enforced for voters. File photo.
Strict adherence to Covid-19 safety protocols will be enforced for voters. File photo.
Image: Alaister Russell/Sunday Times

In the wake of the EFF’s call for local elections to be postponed to 2024, let me point out that the issue of governance doesn’t rest only with the political parties but community members as well. Elections are guided by the constitution, which is the supreme law of the country.

On this note, I would like to state that it was very selfishly ambitious of the EFF to advocate for election postponement of three years without consulting with the people who are on the receiving end of service delivery or lack thereof.

It may be easy for the party to make this call, but there are communities that can’t wait for the local elections to arrive so they can cast their votes and elect their preferred candidates to serve them. Yes, the Covid-19 pandemic is not making it easy for everyone, but at the same time, there is more we have learnt when it comes to adapting to the new normal.

Meetings are now held virtually, masks are worn, hands are sanitised and social distancing is maintained. These are the protocols we need to observe to ensure that the local elections are held successfully, freely and fairly.

Extending the governing duration that was conceived through the Constitution is tantamount to human rights violation. Political parties must just establish new and innovative ways to canvass for votes in line with the Covid-19 safety measures.

Levis Mokone, Gottenburg, eManyeleti

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