Dump sexualisation of our kids and teach coding

The government should have been introducing coding as part of the new curriculum, as well as robotics, investing and trading, instead of a sexual curriculum, the writer says.
The government should have been introducing coding as part of the new curriculum, as well as robotics, investing and trading, instead of a sexual curriculum, the writer says.
Image: 123RF/Tomasz Wyszolmirski

So the government sees it fit to introduce a sexual curriculum to our kids at school? Do you know that top politicians' kids don't attend public schools where this sex education is to be imposed?

Private schools are rejecting such a barbaric curriculum. Only children of poor blacks will be exposed to explicit, satanic content. They should have been introducing coding as part of the new curriculum, as well as robotics, investing and trading. The world is shifting to digitisation but our government is shifting to sexualisation.

NB Mahafha, Muwaweni, Limpopo

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