One clear message against rape
The Not In My Name initiative has released a statement calling for the court to sentence "Nicholas Ninow, a vile criminal who preyed on an innocent child, to be given a life sentence".
While I appreciate their efforts and support towards the little girl, I also wish that they can make such noises with all perpetrators irrespective of their race and social background, to send a strong message that all rapists must get nothing less than a life sentence for their heinous crimes.
LISTEN | Dros rapist sentenced to life imprisonment
If we are to be serious about protecting women, children and people living with disabilities, we should start by challenging the legislation, by ensuring that any perpetrator of crime against these vulnerable groups get a life sentence, and where possible, without parole and that the courts and police sections dedicated to rape cases are properly resourced.
We must stop this rape scourge before it wipes out our achievements.
Zodwa Mtsweni Jiya, Soshanguve, Tshwane