Motorcyclist in serious condition after tractor drives over him

Suthentira Govender Senior reporter
The scene of the accident in Cranbrook, a farming area.
The scene of the accident in Cranbrook, a farming area.
Image: IPSS Medical Rescue

A motorcyclist was seriously injured when a tractor drove over him near KwaDukuza on the KwaZulu-Natal north coast on Tuesday.

IPSS Medical Rescue said the incident happened in Cranbrook, a farming area.

“The motorcyclist collided with the tractor which was towing a trailer.

“Subsequently, the motorcyclist was driven over by the tractor.”

Advanced life support paramedics found the man in a serious condition and managed to stabilise him on the scene

He was transported by the Air Mercy Service helicopter to a medical facility for further care, said IPSS Medical Rescue.


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