Teenager in hospital after 'gang rape' at initiation school

An East London teenager was allegedly gang raped at an initiation school.
An East London teenager was allegedly gang raped at an initiation school.
Image: 123RF/Artit Oubkaew

Umgidi is a joyous celebration for a young man coming back from initiation school, but an East London teenager’s homecoming party was cut short when his family heard he had allegedly been gang raped by men at the school.

The grade 10 pupil from Buffalo Flats is being treated in hospital.

Police spokesperson Warrant Officer Majola Nkohli said police were investigating a case of rape.

An aunt of the teen said she was shocked on Sunday when he told her about the alleged violation.

He underwent the rite to manhood on June 19.

The family gathered to welcome the young man back home on Saturday.

“We could see he was not well,” she said.

“We took him to hospital thinking he was sick. When nurses raised flags that there was something wrong with him, he said he had been raped.

“We took him to the Empilweni clinic, but he was transferred to [Cecilia Makiwane Hospital] and admitted in the early hours of Monday.

“It was him and a schoolmate in that initiation school. He said he had not told us sooner because those men had threatened to kill him.

“He said six men did that to him, but has so far given us only two names.”

He said he had not told us sooner because those men had threatened to kill him. He said six men did that to him, but has so far given us only two names.

The woman said the teen was traumatised and in pain.

“We opened a case on Monday, but no-one has been arrested yet.

“We want the people who did this to be arrested.

“When a male person comes to his ward, he becomes scared.

“He is scared for his life and even wants to relocate. He needs counselling.”

Children’s rights activist Petros Majola called for speedy arrests.

“I again appeal to all men in the province to take a moment and think deeply when it comes to these acts of crime,” he said.

“What is worse in this scenario is that one who has been mentioned by this boy is a relative. How did he think of doing this?”

Majola called for the arrests of the traditional surgeon and nurses who were caring for the teenager at the school.

Eastern Cape co-operative governance and traditional affairs spokesperson Mamkeli Ngam said: “Indeed we have received the sad news of the alleged rape of umkhwetha in Buffalo Flats.

“Our monitoring teams working with the SAPS are following up on the matter.”

Eastern Cape House of Traditional Leaders chair Nkosi Mpumalanga Gwadiso called for the arrest of those behind the “shocking” incident.

“That is not part of initiation.

“This must be investigated by the police. We will rely on the investigation.”


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