Animals at SPCA in Durban rescued after severe flooding

Suthentira Govender Senior reporter
Animals at SPCA Springfield were taken to safety when kennels were flooded by an overflow from the nearby Umgeni River on Tuesday morning.
Animals at SPCA Springfield were taken to safety when kennels were flooded by an overflow from the nearby Umgeni River on Tuesday morning.
Image: via Facebook

Animals trapped in flooded kennels had to be rescued by SPCA staff in Springfield, Durban during the early hours of Tuesday morning.

The SPCA Durban said the Springfield branch experienced severe flooding from an overflow of the nearby Umgeni River.

“This resulted in rescues being performed by emergency staff at 2am today.

“Animals were moved from flooded kennels to safe and dry kennels. Thanks to these brave staff members no animals were harmed.

“We have no power at our SPCA and are in need of dry blankets and pet food. If you can assist please do.”

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