WATCH: ANC says officials charged with corruption must step aside

President Cyril Ramaphosa.
President Cyril Ramaphosa.
Image: GCIS

Remarks made by President Cyril Ramaphosa in his much contested letter to ANC members, in which he said the ANC remains accused number one, were widely accepted by the three-day special NEC meeting over the weekend.

Ramaphosa said his letter was endorsed by the NEC as a "clear articulation" of the resolutions taken at the 54th national conference especially on corruption.

Ramaphosa, leading the ANC top six officials in a press briefing, said the NEC had agreed that this was a turning point in the fight against corruption.

He said that the meeting, which is said to have been heated, agreed that all those who face charges in court must step aside until those cases have been concluded.

“Cadres of the movement who are formally charged for corruption or other serious crimes must immediately step aside from all leadership positions in the ANC, legislatures or other government structures pending the finalisation of their cases,” Ramaphosa said.

“In cases where this has not happened, such individuals will be instructed to step aside.”

The NEC also decided that those who have not stepped aside even as they face charges will be requested to step aside while others will be asked to resign from their positions.

“The other decision was that cadres of the ANC who are reported to be in corrupt and other serious criminal practices must go to the integrity commission to explain themselves. Those who do not give an acceptable explanation may be suspended.

“NEC also decided that cadres of the ANC who are convicted of corruption or other serious crimes must resign from leadership positions and face disciplinary action in line with the ANC constitution.”

This position by the party is emphasised just as ANC member of parliament Bongani Bongo, ANC MPL Zandile Gumede and ANC KZN chairperson Mike Mabuyakhulu had stepped aside after the party had asked them to do because they face criminal charges.

He said he does not have the total number of people expected to step aside in the coming days.

He said they must pay tribute to those who opted to step aside on their own volition.

Ramaphosa also said that he will not be entertaining the letter by the former president Jacob Zuma which was sent to him just before the NEC meeting.

In the letter, Zuma criticised Ramaphosa for his own letter addressing corruption among ANC members.

“I have not responded to the letter and I don’t even know what the reasonings for the letter were and will not even publicly entertain issues that are raised in the letter because I think it’s important as leaders where we are that if we are to engage in discussions we should do it within the confines of our movement,” Ramaphosa said.

PODCAST | NEC meeting dominated by discussions on corruption

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