Elderly couple rewards kind stranger with ... a business

Customer Pinky Solani says she loves buying at Thanduxolo Sixaka’s meat shop.
Customer Pinky Solani says she loves buying at Thanduxolo Sixaka’s meat shop.
Image: GroundUp/Thamsanqa Mbovane

Two years ago, Thanduxolo Sixaka helped an elderly couple re-erect their shack after the wind blew it down. The couple was so grateful that they later gave him their booming meat business. 

Sixaka said he was sitting in a ward councillor's yard, hoping for a piece job, when he saw trouble looming on the corner of Kani and Koyana streets in Veeplaas township, Port Elizabeth. Strong winds had blown down a shack.

“The shack belonged to an elderly couple who were selling smileys, cow and goat feet, and iqadidi (stew).

“The old man was struggling to lift up a hammer to erect their one-roomed shack. His wife was staggering about holding a plank in fierce weather. They were too frail ... I couldn’t watch any more.”

He re-erected the shack and the couple thanked him. 

“They took out of a dish a juicy smiley and also gave me R50 in cash, saying, 'thank you, son'.

“A few weeks after that I got a piece job from a man who got a tender from the councillor’s office, the job of making a soccer field. Within a few weeks, my boss told me there was no more material to build the field, so I became unemployed again.”

Sixaka said he heard from people in the township that the elderly couple was looking for him.

“When I found them in their house, the elders said they couldn’t continue with the business because they were too old. They gave me the place from which they sold meat and ever since then the place is called Rhadi’s Meat Place. Rhadi is my clan name,” he said.

Today, business is booming.

A smiley sells for R45, cows' feet at R15, goats' feet at R7, a small dish of iqadidi at R25 and a bigger dish at R50.

Sixaka, who has three children, is grateful to the couple.

“Three months ago, sadly I heard that the man, died. I attended his funeral. His wife is still alive. I thank them for giving me this place,” he said.

Customer Pinky Solani says she loves buying at Rhadi’s Meat P. “My favourite meat is iqadidi and smiley. The place is a place to be for those who want good, fresh takeaways. I will always support him.”

This article was first published by GroundUp.

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