Oskido on ‘empowering and handing over the baton’

Kalawa Jazmee doccie to tell all

Joy Mphande Journalist
DJ Oskido speaks about the Kalawa Jazmee documentary.
DJ Oskido speaks about the Kalawa Jazmee documentary.
Image: Instagram/ Oskido

Oscar “Oskido” Mdlongwa has reflected on the legacy of Kalawa Jazmee while in production to release a documentary about the record label. 

The first season of the documentary which follows the stories of Oskido and other kwaito legends, including Spikiri, Bruce Sebitlo, Mahoota Sibika and others.

Speaking on the legacy spanning more than three decades, Oskido said the story of Kalawa Jazmee was one many aspiring artists could learn from.

“It fills one with a sense of gratitude for making a difference and a sense of pride in us as a team that worked together for more than 30 years. Now it is about empowering the new generation and handing over the baton,” he told Sowetan's sister publication TshisaLIVE. 

Describing the evolution of Kalawa, and where it is today, he said he wanted artists to remember how the record label added joy to people's lives. 

“As you know, Kalawa Jazmee was birthed with other partners, including Spikiri, the late Mjokes, Bruce, Mahoota, and before then Bra Don [Laka] and [DJ] Christos. 

“My fellow directors and all the artists who have gone through our stable, as well as colleagues in the industry, have helped shape us and shape the South African music scene. To be honest, we were just young kids trying to make it in the world, and it grew into an important institution.”

The head of strategy and business partnerships at Kalawa Jazmee, Vusi Vuma, said upcoming artists will watch the documentary “to dare to dream of the heights of success” and be inspired by the stories shared. 

“The story of Kalawa Jazmee is a story of South African ingenuity, creativity, resilience and empowerment. Through this journey, new music genres have been spawned, superstars born, and a young democracy entertained. It is important for young South Africans to understand the journey from our humble beginnings,” Vuma said.

The documentary is set to premiere on Mzansi Magic on August 13.

– TshisaLIVE

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