Pirates coach says Stellenbosch can cause problems at Orlando

Neville Khoza Journalist
Orlando Pirates coach, Jose Riveiro insists they will approach the second leg of the MTN8 without complacency
Orlando Pirates coach, Jose Riveiro insists they will approach the second leg of the MTN8 without complacency
Image: Gallo Images/Lefty Shivambu

Orlando Pirates may have one foot in the MTN8 final following their 2-1 victory over Stellenbosch in the semifinal first leg yesterday, but coach Jose Riveiro feels the job is far from being completed.

The Buccaneers will have the advantage heading into the second leg later this month at Orlando after scoring two away goals, courtesy of second half strikes from Zakhele Lepasa and Deon Hotto.

Ismael Toure scored the only goal for Stellies on the stroke of halftime, when the hosts were already one man down after Thabo Moloisane was red-carded for dangerous play in the 32nd.

Riveiro insists they will approach the second leg without complacency as Stellies are still difficult and can cause problems in Soweto.

“We play to win every game. I don’t think that our approach today (Sunday) can say that we were just waiting for a second leg for example,” Riveiro told the media after the match.

“We always want to win. We want to be a winning team. We want to enjoy playing football and the only way we know how to do it is attacking looking for a goal. So, it is not going to be a problem, we play at home and playing there for us is something important.

“If one team is going into the second leg with a 2-1 thinking that's done because you are playing home and that you scored away, you will find yourself during the game in a situation where you are uncomfortable.

“One thing is clear: we respect Stellenbosch a lot as a team, so we will not relax because we know the difficulty of the game against them.”

Stellies are the only to team exact a defeat on the Buccaneers this season, after beating visiting Joburgers 1-0 in the opening week of the league season.

The Spaniard was also full of praise for his side after they came from a goal down to win 2-1 on Sunday.

“I’m extremely happy with the attitude as well. We celebrate the victory because it is important for us, but understanding that it is just the first leg and we have to do a good job in the return leg,” he said.

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