Footie fanatics take suspension on the chin

Fans of Premier Soccer League clubs have been twiddling their thumbs in frustration over the past week due to the suspension of games.

Mandla "Mgijimi" Sindane (Orlando Pirates)

"It's killing me because whenever Pirates play I am at the stadium. The only other time I couldn't watch the team at the stadium was in 2018 against Wits when we got a ban from the PSL. Even on TV there is no football so it's very difficult.

"My concern is that this virus is growing every day and there are new cases all the time. It would not be right to play games behind closed doors. The players are also human beings and what if one gets infected. It's only right that the suspension continues until the situation comes under control." 

Masilo Machaka (Kaizer Chiefs)

"This virus is affecting everybody and it doesn't choose, so we must put the safety of our people first. There should be no game behind closed doors, we should suspend the league until further notice. As fans and stakeholders of football, we must be responsible and put safety first.

"We should just wait and let the virus come down. Then after that maybe teams can finish off the season."

David 'Mdeva' Mashigo (Mamelodi Sundowns)

"The past few days without football have been terrible. I think the games should only continue if the players will be safe. It wouldn't be ideal to watch the games on TV but it's a possible solution. It's heartbreaking because Sundowns was looking to finish off the season strong. We have closed the gap with Chiefs and we still have to play them... so it was going to be very exciting."

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