Blow for Proteas' World Cup hopes after ICC sanction

Stuart Hess Sports reporter
Temba Bavuma and the Proteas players were each fined 20% of their match fees and lost a point on the Super League table, putting pressure on their automatic World Cup qualification hopes.
Temba Bavuma and the Proteas players were each fined 20% of their match fees and lost a point on the Super League table, putting pressure on their automatic World Cup qualification hopes.
Image: Pankaj Nangia/Gallo Images

The International Cricket Council (ICC) on Wednesday docked South Africa a point on the Super League table for a slow over rate in the final ODI against England. 

The players were also fined 20% of their match fee. Match referee Jeff Crowe imposed the sanction after “South Africa was ruled to be one over short of the target after allowances were taken into consideration”, according to the ICC. 

South Africa lost the last match in Kimberley, having wrapped up the series with wins in the first two games in Bloemfontein.

While the loss of the point is unwelcome, it’s not catastrophic for Temba Bavuma’s side. The Proteas are in ninth place on the Super League table, one spot out of the automatic qualifying positions for the 2023 World Cup. They are engaged in a race with Sri Lanka and the West Indies for the final place. 

Should they beat the Netherlands in two ODIs on March 31 and April 2, and Sri Lanka lose one of their three matches in a series against New Zealand next month, South Africa will earn the last qualifying berth.

However, there is not much wiggle room. A rained out match against the Dutch — in which points are shared — or further sanctions for slow over rates will leave South Africa in jeopardy. 

If they don’t make it into the top eight they will be forced to play in a 10-team qualifying tournament in Zimbabwe in June/July where they must finish in the top two. 

South African captain Temba Bavuma accepted the charge so there was no need for a formal hearing on Wednesday.  

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