WATCH | The restaurateur who sprouted hope after fleeing his home country

It takes courage to leave your home country. Amid political unrest, Elisha Madzivadondo had to make the unbearable decision to flee Zimbabwe.

While he found asylum in South Africa, he had to start his life over. Madzivadondo took a job in construction – but his true passion was agriculture.

As he continued working, he was inspired by the smallest of sprouts, resilient and determined to thrive.

It was these tiny plants that encouraged Madzivadondo to pursue his dreams.

Quitting his job, Madzivadondo approached the Oude Molen Eco Village who gave him a section of land.

Here, he built a greenhouse and began cultivating microgreens and other edible plants. “Just like growing crops, one must take baby steps to harvest your goals,” Madzivandondo says.

With his garden flourishing and sprouts to spare, Madzivadondo began working on a new plan – serving his produce to South Africa.

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He started his own restaurant, The Sunshine Food Sprouting Co. which has since become one of Cape Town’s best known vegan establishments.

Every meal out of the kitchen is lovingly heaped with microgreens and sprouts from his own garden.

From the soil up, Madzivadondo rebuilt his life with tenacity and optimism.

“My advice for anyone who feels they have been knocked down would be to believe in themselves and to love whatever was entrusted into their hands,” Madzivadondo says. “One thing I will never stop growing is hope.”