READER LETTER | Middle East needs leaders of vision to resolve conflict

An aerial view shows houses and buildings destroyed by Israeli strikes in Gaza City.
An aerial view shows houses and buildings destroyed by Israeli strikes in Gaza City.

There is jubilation in the Middle East about the release of hostages on the one side and about the release of prisoners and detainees without trial on the other side. Looking at this, some only see the cruel attack on civilians by Hamas.

Others only focus on the slaughter of civilians and scorched earth approach of Israel in a built-up area in Gaza. 

Others look further and see the decades long struggle about land and a constitutional arrangement. Some again, see it through a narrow religious lens. Between these approaches, the ordinary people, including women and children, are suffering and hatred is increasing.

This vicious cycle repeats itself with regular intervals. Without leaders with vision, like Nelson Mandela, that see the bigger picture and who regard the cause more important than themselves and their own small world, this vicious circle will repeat itself as certain as the sun that will rise again tomorrow. – Dawie Jacobs, Pretoria 

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