READER LETTER | Minister's apartheid scapegoating embarrassing

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Image: Gallo Images/Lisa Hinatowicz

I applaud Nathaniel Lee for always calling a spade a spade, because if we shy away from telling the truth, nothing will ever be corrected in this country. It is embarrassing and disappointingfor the ANC to be unashamedly still hiding behind the legacy of apartheid for all its failures that have made the suffering of everyone in this country worse than it ever was during apartheid.

Is this an indirect admission that blacks do not have the ability to rise above the historical conditions to which they were subjected during apartheid? Are we always going to be helpless victims who depend on handouts from other races? It has been almost 30 years of our independence from the cloak of colonialism and apartheid and we have very little to show for it, what we know best is to keep on whining about what happened 30 years ago.

When will this cowardly attitude stop because it is sickening beyond imagination to those who thought wrongly, that at last our liberators are here, only to be plunged into a dark hopeless future. Your previous oppressors gave you a chance to show them what you are made of; so far it has been disappointment after disappointment.

Enough with the embarrassment. It is time to move on and leave apartheid in the past where it belongs. Wake up SA, you are on your own, you have only seven months to decide whether you will swim or sink. The ball is in your court

Cometh Dube-Makholwa, Midrand

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