READER LETTER | Charity golf day held by Treasury a masterstroke

Finance minister Enoch Godongwana
Finance minister Enoch Godongwana
Image: GALLO IMAGES/Brenton Geach

Nelson Mnadela's inspirational words, "we can change the world and make iit a better is in your hands to make a difference", recently echoed over slopes of the Outeniqua mountains near George as golfers heeded the department of finance's clarion call.

Kudos to finance minister Enoch Godongwana and the department for organising the three-day National Treasury Charity Golf Challenge in the Western Cape Town. Its slogan "Play, Give & Change Lives" magnificently captured the spirit of the day.

Credit must also go to the golfers who made it a memorable day despite the weather, and the generosity of companies like RNB, Assupol, BDO and Bayport. Godongwana wholeheartedly thanked department officials for their dedication, players for their time and companies for resources.

Hopefully in the coming years, the department will extend the invitation to beneficiaries of the National Charity Treasury Golf Challenge to participate. Also, it will be a master stroke if in future a few amateur golfers at nearby towns were invited to play alongside professionals.

It is in the spirit of playing together, giving unselfishly, and changing the lives of the destitute that we can rise as a winning nation to make a difference.


  • Jerry Tsie, Pretoria