READER LETTER | EFF is slowly changing our political, social landscapes

EFF leaders, led by Julius Malema, cut a cake to celebrate the party's birthday at Marikana on Wednesday.
EFF leaders, led by Julius Malema, cut a cake to celebrate the party's birthday at Marikana on Wednesday.
Image: Thapelo Morebudi

As the EFF turns 10 years old, the jury is out on whether it has turned the political landscape in SA in a different direction or has it merely jumped onto the bandwagon and made noise from afar.

Whether you like the party or not and whether you subscribe to its political posture, the EFF has withstood the test of time and is now the third biggest political formation in SA after only 10 years of existence. One can’t run away from the fact that the politics of the EFF are more confrontational and at times binary.

it is viewed by many as a race-based political party and is not apologetic about it. But after all has been said and done, the EFF has a lot of introspection to do to ensure it remains relevant and in the minds of the majority of South Africans.

It hasn’t covered itself in glory on contentious issues. For example, immigration policy; and it will need to read the room and make proper and relevant adjustments where necessary.

Congratulations to the EFF being a decade old. I hope it will be around longer than anticipated. We need such fearless and courageous voices in our political and social landscapes.

Kiekie Mboweni, Nkowankowa, Limpopo

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