Zondo commission accused must face music

Atul Gupta. File photo.
Atul Gupta. File photo.
Image: Sunday Times

After years of open proceedings, the Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture is releasing its findings, and it is a shocker to see how some criminal South Africans have methodically gutted our country. Who would do such things unless they did not consider themselves to be South Africans?

Well, the Guptas, despite wanting and getting SA passports, cannot be considered South Africans, but the Gigabas, Zumas, Browns, Magashules, Molefes, Myenis, Mkhizes... the list is endless, are South Africans who systematically worked on the destruction of their own country.

It can be argued that they were looking for the total downfall of SA and to replace the duly elected government with a cabal to serve them only. Their simple and wanton greed does not account for the methodical and systematic dismemberment of the pillars of SA.

I believe that they are treasonous and should be tried for this. We have had years to gird our loins and charge and prosecute these criminals. No-one has come out and said as much but they shroud reality with terms like putting them in orange overalls and letting the law take its course.

The evidence put forward at the commission is overwhelmingly damning, to say the least, and civil society demands justice and retribution. We even hear that some of the criminals have given the money back, and so they argue they are now free. No, never. Civil society has suffered at the hands of every brigand who has stolen from us; after all, it is our money.

We must demand that prosecutions start immediately. Certainly, the authorities have had the time to prepare.

As regards the Guptas, I would recommend an Adolf Eichmann approach. They must be apprehended at all costs and face the music as a matter of great urgency.

While we are at it, as regards the ongoing theft and pillaging of our infrastructure, I believe that the state must take this far more seriously and impose mandatory minimal prison sentences in the order of 10 years for wanton damage and theft of infrastructure. And keep them in jail for that period. I heard that in Zimbabwe the crime of cable theft is 10 years per metre of cable stolen!

Dr Peter Baker, Parktown North, Johannesburg

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