ANC government brought mayhem to SA
Since ANC was voted into government on April 27 1994, over three-trilion rand has been lost to the people of SA through state corruption. That money is gone, never to come back.
SA has lost a further eight-trillion rand through poor management of SOEs and still require billions of rand more to fix the economy. Privatisation will be the only answer to man of our economic problems.
Since ANC rule, unemployment has gone up by over 60%! Even more horrifying, SA has become the world capital of rape, murder and organised crime.
We should now accept that SA is a lawless state! Money, power and positions are greater than the law! The late Nelson Mandela must be turning in his grave, after sacrificing 27 years of his life for democracy.
We have achieved the dubious distinction of being 140th on a world list of 144th countries for our poor standard of education. The level of our education is far worse than bantu education, which gave learners a bigger challenge to pass that then lowered standard of a mere 30% today.
Crime is at home in SA, where criminals are treated like kings and queens, and given more rights than police officers and law-abiding citizens.
And finally, ANC government doesn't want an intelligent population, because they know very well that they cannot control critical thinkers. They just want a population just smart enough to pay taxes and dumb enough to keep voting for them.
Says a lot about ANC voters, don't you think?
Kganthe Lebaka, Mamoshalele, Limpopo