That bulk is dope — taxi passenger caught with dagga strapped to waist

The Swazi man was a taxi passenger en route to KwaZulu-Natal with a hefty amount of dagga strapped to his body.
The Swazi man was a taxi passenger en route to KwaZulu-Natal with a hefty amount of dagga strapped to his body.
Image: SAPS

Almost 4kg of dagga was found strapped to the body of a minibus taxi passenger in Mpumalanga, leading to his arrest for drug dealing.

The 43-year-old man from Eswatini was en route to Vryheid in KwaZulu-Natal, police spokesperson Capt Magonseni Nkosi said.

The arrest was made on Tuesday on the N2 Piet Retief-Pongola road when police from the Mahamba port of entry searched passengers in a Toyota Quantum taxi.


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